There’s a certain block—called writer’s block—that every writer will encounter multiple times throughout their career that gets them stuck; but believe it or not, getting out of its rut and carving the writer’s block doesn’t have to be excruciatingly difficult.
Here at ReadersMagnet’s self-publishing endeavors, we have heard from our authors how challenging getting out of writer’s block can be. One can liken it to the mythical creature called the hydra, a beast that regenerates two heads in place of the one that it just lost. Battling such a monster is like being stuck in an endless war of attrition that ends poorly for any warrior who isn’t Hercules.
But fret not. We’re here to give you some tips on how you’ll be able to quickly and easily overcome writer’s block and sculpt something beautiful out of it.
Tip #1 From Readersmagnet Marketing Services: Plan a Time to Write and Turn the Practice Into a Habit
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
You might not like this inconvenient truth, but overcoming writer’s block involves sitting down and staring at the paper or your computer’s display screen. Like, a lot of it. But if you diligently follow through with your planned writing time, you will eventually turn that smooth, empty block into a beautiful sculpture.
Take John Grisham, Mississipi’s former state representative, for example. He didn’t have that much free time, but he woke up at 5:30 AM, sat at his desk, and wrote at least one page. By putting in the time and commitment needed, he successfully finished writing around 48 novels, not counting the numerous novellas he had penned.
With that said, be sure to show up on your planned time, write as best as you can, and turn the practice into a habit.
Tip #2: Don’t Give the Block a Name and Strip It of Its Power
Photo by Vie Studio
Many psychologists believe that “writer’s block” isn’t real. Steven Pritzker, psychologist, co-editor of “The Encyclopedia of Creativity” (2011), and former writer for a show, says writer’s block is merely an artificial construct created to justify a deeper issue regarding a lack of discipline in writing.
It’s undeniable that writers are aware that giving a name to something blesses it with power. By calling it “writer’s block,” writers end up facing a shackle and prison of their own making. They become shackled and imprisoned by their own hubris, which impedes their writing ability.
Carving the writer’s block is refusing to give it a name and stripping it of its power. Here at our ReadersMagnet’s self-publishing firm, we’ve found that this is one of the foolproof ways to overcome writer’s block.
Tip #3: Improve the Space You’re Working In and Become One of ReadersMagnet’s Success Stories
One of the tricks to combat writer’s block that not a lot of writers take seriously is enhancing their workspace. Making sure that your workspace is an environment you’d want to be in is essential in letting the creative juices to start flowing. You can declutter, rearrange furniture, or put up a photo that inspires you to create a conducive habitat for your writing.
Also, take note of when you’re most productive throughout the day. You might be a night owl, so writing early in the morning might not be very conducive for you. If you find yourself consistently restless, you can try standing up for a change of pace and comfort.
Tip #4: Read, Read, and Read Some More
Entering the writing field has specific requirements, including being an avid reader. Now, you don’t have to strictly read books every time of the day, but reading a book before writing is ideal. We suggest grabbing a short essay, poetry, a single book chapter, or something short and simple that’ll only take 10 minutes or less to read.
Doing so will put you in the zone and the right mindset to pen down your words. You can even borrow some of the styles you got from your favorite writers.
Here’s a video of a poet and his poetry that you can buy and read:
Tip #5: Our ReadersMagnet Alternatives Suggest Utilizing the Pomodoro Technique
Photo by Oleksandr P
The Pomodoro Technique, developed by Francesco Cirillo, says individuals can reach their peak productivity within 25-minute blocks. So, take out your phone or a timer and set the time for 25 minutes. Within that 25 minutes, try your best not to entertain any distractions. Sit down, type away, focus on writing, and power through the process.
Once the timer rings, signaling that 25 minutes have passed, give yourself a much-deserved break.
Now You Have the Power of Carving the Writer’s Block and Sculpting Success
Fearing writer’s block won’t get you anywhere. Now that we have given you some tips on facing it, we hope you can overcome its shadow and start writing again. Here at our ReadersMagnet’s self-publishing firm, we believe that writer’s block isn’t a death sentence to a person’s prowess at writing.
We view writer’s block as merely an unsculpted boulder of alabaster, waiting for artists to create a marvelous sculpture from its barren surface.
Check out some of our other articles while you’re still here and find out how to come up with an impressive manuscript for beginners in 2023!
1. Purdue Global (January 14, 2019). 7 Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block.
2. Jeff Goins | GoinsWriter (no date of publishing). How to Overcome Writer’s Block: 14 Tricks That Work.
3. Gerben Grave | Multiverse Narratives (July 24, 2018). Carving the Writer’s Block.
4. Penguin Random House | News for Authors (September 14, 2014). 10 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block.
5. American Psychological Association (no publishing date). Blast Through Writer’s Block.
6. Rock & Tools (January 26, 2021). WHAT KINDS OF STONE ARE USED FOR SCULPTURE?